Sunday, November 9, 2008

A force just as powerful as the military, ...

... but not under military chain of command.  That is one of Obama's proposals.  Little Green Footballs mentioned it here and linked to an article on the subject.  But rather than reading quotes of Obama, take a look at this video of Obama talking about it himself:

In history there was a force that was just as powerful and well funded as the military, but not reporting to the military chain of command.  In fact, it often was disliked by the regular military.  Its name could be translated as "Protective Squadron" from its original language.  In the original language it was called "Schutzstaffel".  Its abbreviation SS is much better known.  And it indeed was just as powerful as the Wehrmacht.  It even had its own armored divisions.  But it did not have its own air force: the SS fierce ideological convictions were no substitute for skills required for combat pilots.  Still, the question remains: what exactly are Obama's plans for this "civilian national security force"?

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