Sunday, January 6, 2008

I am back

It's been a month since my last post.  I've been very busy at work and had to work weekends.  I am still busy, but have a little bit of time to post here.  So, to start with, here is a great article by Judith Klinghoffer:


Yes. The whole world is watching, frustratedly watching, the American election campaign. Many believe that they should have had the right to participate as the decision is bound to affect their own lives as well as American ones. Some living in democracies believe the Americans are too uncouth to be entrusted with such an important decision while those living in dictatorship are filled with hopeless wonder. Too many in the under developed world believe that America stands between them and an opportunity to made a similar choice. For in these difficult times the presidential candidates do offer Americans a real choice and it is a choice which will be understood by both friend and foe alike.

Read it all.

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