Sunday, May 2, 2010


I haven't updated my blog for a while.  There is a number of reasons for it.  But yesterday I started thinking about it.  I came to conclusion that all the usual suspect reasons for being silent: busy at work, family obligations etc. are just excuses.  The real reason is that I just was not in the mood to write anything.  I am simply running out of arguments.  Or, more precisely, my arguments are being dismissed by people who just refuse to listen.  I am of course talking about politics and about what the current administration is doing to this country.  Whenever I point out that what Obama is doing reminds me of the old country (Soviet Union), people say: "No, you are exaggerating".  A friend sent me an article dismissing the claims that he is a Socialist based on the fact that people calling themselves Socialist say that Obama is not.  Maybe, he is just not socialist enough for them.  It is not just Conservatives in this country who call him "Socialist".  Putin said that his economic measures lead to it.  "Pravda" called him "Socialist" as well.  Yet, first 25 years of my life's experience are dismissed by people who are often my friends and agree with me.  That particular friend that thinks that I am overreacting did not vote for Obama and does not like him much.  Yet, she does not see much danger in tendency of schoolchildren singing songs about Obama.  If I can't persuade someone who often agrees with me, how can I hope to change the minds of people who voted for the guy?  In recent poll they found that 50% of American Jews see Obama as strong supporter of Israel.  Republican Jewish Coalition thinks that this is a good thing: now "only" 50% of American Jews are Democrat Party zombies.  50%?!  After a member of this administration suggests shooting down Israeli warplanes should they fly to attack Iranian nuclear facilities!?  People like those 50% will never be persuaded.  They will be like those shot by Stalin's secret police: shouting "Long live comrade Stalin!", as they were being shot.

And so, the name of this post is "Despair".  Because that is my general feeling.  Perhaps I am wrong to feel this way.  I will try to force myself to post regularly: we should not be giving up.  Please give me some time.

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1 comment:

Laura said...

I do not know you but I do agree with you. I have had this discussion several times, thankfully I work with people who agree. Thank you for your post.