Saturday, May 17, 2008

Significant dates in May

The month of May has several significant dates in modern history, particularly in modern Jewish history.  Those are the Holocaust Remembrance Day, Israeli Independence Day and Victory in Europe Day (Victory Day in Russia).  Additionally, the Memorial Day is also at the end of May.  So, in commemoration of all these dates I'd like to present an article that I compiled several years ago.  This article was originally published on the wonderful historical site called WW II Ace Stories.  I highly recommend this site for World War 2 history and aviation history enthusiasts.  I used the word "compiled" rather than "written" regarding the article because the article is based on the book "I Am My Brother's Keeper" by Jeffrey Weiss and Craig Weiss.

In fact, there are chunks of text that were simply scanned out of the book.  But I don't think the authors would mind: after all, I am suggesting to people that they should buy the book and read it.  It really is a very good book.  The pictures are also from this book and the Internet.  I dedicate this post to those, who fought back and saved or avenged themselves and their loved ones.  So, without further ado, let me present the story of

Rudy Augarten - avenging the Holocaust.

(Click here to read the story.)

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