Sunday, October 14, 2007

Why I am angry at Ann Coulter

No, I don't think she is anti-Semitic.  But let me start from the beginning.  A couple of days ago I read Bookworm's post about Ann Coulter putting her foot in her mouth again.  I'd like to add my own comment on the subject.

I know some of my fellow Jews who look for anti-Semites under every rock.  They are not necessarily on the Left.  But they just suspect every non-Jew of anti-Semitism.  Somehow they think it's natural.  I often argue with them, saying that majority of American people consider anti-Semites simply as idiots.  Now in response to my argument they will undoubtedly bring up Ann Coulter's comment, undoubtedly distorted by the media.  Additionally, whenever I would point out that anti-Semitism is prevalent on the Left, the now would say: "Look at Ann Coulter".  It is much harder to counter a 20-second soundbyte with an exact quote of what Ann Coulter said and an explanation of why it is not anti-Semitic.  By just blubbering something without thinking she put me and people like me on the defensive unnecessarily, and that's why I am angry.

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1 comment:

Michael said...

blubbering something without thinking

Blubbering without thinking is what Coulter does best. It's why she's better off ignored.

I agree with you, that is probably not anti-Semitic, that what she said is nothing more than basic Christian theology, and that a majority of Americans are probably not anti-Semitic.

And most importantly, that we as Jews don't need to go looking for anti-Semites in every idiot talking head.