Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Newt might endorse Giuliani?

I found this through a friend's e-mail:

In perhaps the surest sign that conservative favorite Newt Gingrinch may not throw his hat in the ‘08 ring, the former speaker (and according to most polls, third place contender in the early GOP primary states) links arms with co-frontrunner Rudy Giuliani in a Wall Street Journal editorial endorsing a new strategy for Iraq.
Has Gingrich already made a decision on who he’s backing? Regardless whether he has or not, such an article will do little other than ignite rumors that Gingrich views Giuliani as the best vehicle in the GOP primary to carry his concepts of conservative reform - an odd choice to say the least given the Right’s suspicion of Hizzoner’s socially liberal views. But Gingrich has never been known as a prominent social conservative any may understand better than he lets on that the best chance for him to enact change is through someone else.

I personally like Newt and think he would make an excellent President. But he will have no chance in the general elections: he was demonized too much by the Left, and a lot of it stuck to him. On the other hand, the prosecution of the war is the most important issue for many years to come, and for that Giuliani's views on abortion and gay marriage are irrelevant. In regard to the current global conflict against Islamism, he is a proven leader and a fighter. Giuliani also has the best chance to win in the general elections. Thus, at this point I prefer him to anybody else.

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